February 10, 2016
Dear DCIS at Fairmont Families,
As you know, DCIS will be hiring a new principal for the 2016-2017 school year. The SAC committee has been tasked with choosing the principal selection committee. Committee members will review resumes of principal candidates, conduct interviews of candidates and select two to present to the school community as a whole and the DPS instructional superintendent. While the superintendent will have the final hiring decision, the committee will be the voice of the school community and will narrow the field down to the two candidates that the superintendent will interview. The committee will be comprised of both parents and teachers from the DCIS community.
We are looking for interested parents and teachers willing to commit to this important process. The timeline for the selection of the new principal is very tight. Enclosed is an interest sheet that we are asking all parents to fill out. On this form you can indicate if you are interested in being a part of the selection committee. If you do not have the time or interest to be a part of the committee, please take this opportunity to help the committee in their selection process by letting them know what leadership qualities in a principal are important you. All forms need to be returned to the school no later than Friday, February 19th The SAC will meet on Monday, February 22nd to choose the committee. Committee members will need to be available for a meeting with the instructional superintendent on Thursday, February 25th at 4:15pm to review the timeline and selection process and again on Thursday, March 3rd at 4:15pm for training with HR personnel from the district. Committee members will also need to be available for interviewing candidates during the second and third weeks in March. Interview times are still TBD.
As a member of the DCIS community, your voice is very important in the selection of our next leader. Please take the time to fill out the enclosed form and return it to the school. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or any member of the SAC committee.
Thank you,
Judi Pring
SAC chair