
Friday, April 28, 2017

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week, International Festival and upcoming Elections! Apreciación del Personal, Festival Internacional y Elecciones!

Monthly News from DCIS at Fairmont PTA!
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Budget Approved!

At the last PTA meeting, we approved the budget for the next school year (2017-2018). This means that we will be fundraising to meet this budget and money will be allotted to the following:

Specials: $5000
($1000 each for PE, Art, Music, Global Villages & World Language)
Teacher appreciation: $1500
DCIS App: $1800
Teacher Stipends: $150 each / total $6,000
(for supplies, field trips, etc.)
World Language Teacher: $7000 (partial salary)
Ice cream for "Meet the Teacher": $150
Food for PTA meetings: $900
Childcare for PTA meetings: $40/ 2 hour $360+
DCIS Scholarship: $1000

Total Budget & Fundraising Goal: approximately $24,000

Next Week!

Teacher & Staff Appreciation is next week (May 1-3)! Show the teachers and staff how much you appreciate them. Encourage your kid(s) to write notes to their teachers and bring them in during the week!

How you can help:
There will be staff luncheon on Tuesday, May 2 from 11am-1pm. We need parents to donate food! Please bring a lunch dish anytime that day to the cafeteria before 10:30am. 

Teachers will also attend a Teacher Appreciation happy hour at Pizzeria Locale. We are asking for donations of $1-$5 to help pay for the pizza/drinks. A donation jar is in the front office!

Please direct any questions to Megan Ness via email or 303-946-1688.

Tuesday, May 9 at 5pm

The last PTA meeting for the school year will be Tuesday, May 9 at 5pm and we will be electing a new president. Kirsten Taylor is moving onto other things and she will be missed!

Join us and become the next PTA president or make sure your vote is counted!

Saturday, May 20

The International Festival is on Saturday, May 20 and the planning is getting underway. If you would like to help plan, contact the committee chair, Jen Kraft.

If you would like to rent a vendor table for the international festival, please sign up in the office!


Do you have a business or know someone who would like to become a sponsor? Use this sponsorship letter to reach out. 50% of the proceeds will go to the 5th Grade Field Trip Fund and the remainder goes to the PTA.

More News

Missed the meeting?

Catch up on all the announcements, principal report, financial report, old and new business here.

Questions? Contact Kirsten Taylor, PTA President, via email.

Wed, 5/3

Dine Out with us at Mile High Vienna Stand located at 300 Santa Fe Drive!

Wednesday, May 3

Bring your friends!


Tues, 5/9

The last PTA meeting of the school year will be Tuesday, May 9 at 5:00pm. 

Pizza, childcare and translation provided.

Join us in electing a new PTA president!
DCIS at Fairmont PTA
DCIS at Fairmont
Copyright © 2017 DCIS at Fairmont PTA, All rights reserved.
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DCIS at Fairmont PTA
520 West 3rd Avenue
Denver, CO 80223

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Have a question or want to help with marketing the PTA?
Contact Lisa Scheideler, Graphic Designer & PTA Marketing Chair, by email.

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Dine Out Night/ Noche de Cena

Dine Out Night

Wednesday 5/3 5-8pm

20% of all proceeds benefit DCIS @ Fairmont


Mile High Vienna Stand

300 Santa Fe Dr


Noche de Cena

miércoles, 3 mayo, 5-8pm

20% de las ganancias irán a DCIS @ Fairmont


Mile High Vienna Stand

300 Santa Fe Dr



¡Café de PAC

¡Café de PAC el 2 de mayo!

 ¡Únase a nosotros para nuestro último café con padres del año! Hay dos opciones, siéntase libre de unirse a ambos si lo desea! La opción de la mañana comenzará con nuestro evento de Preparación Familiar para nuestras familias de inmigrantes y refugiados, que se llevara a cabo de 7:30 a 8:45 de la mañana. A las 8:45 haremos anuncios y actualizaciones de la Directora Lugo y luego la Biblioteca Pública de Denver se unirá a nosotros para obtener recursos para prevenir el retraso durante el verano.

Tendremos una tarde de Padres y Administración Potluck (PAP), de 4:00-6:00pm donde hablaremos de nuevo con la Sra. Lugo sobre anuncios y actualizaciones después la Biblioteca Pública de Denver se unirá una vez más para los recursos. Vamos a tener más tiempo en la tarde para la comida y para compartir, si usted está deseando conectarse con otros.

Plan para el Potluck de la tarde, (la escuela proporcionará todos los productos de papel):
ECE y padres de 5to Grado---Trae un platillo de entrada para compartir
Padres de Kínder, 2° y 4° Grado---Trae un platillo principal para compartir
Padres de 1º Grado--- Trae un postre para compartir
Padres de 3er Grado--- Trae bebidas para compartir


Moms and Muffins/ Mamas y Panecitos

     Moms and Muffins

Inviting all moms!

Please join us with your child for a special event on

May 3rd

From 7:30-8:15am

      Mamas y Panecitos

¡Invitando a todas las mamas!

Acompáñenos junto con su hijo/a a nuestro evento especial el 3 de mayo de

7:30 a 8:15am

PAC Coffee


PAC Coffee May 2nd!   


Join us for our last parent coffee of the year! There are two options and feel free to join both if you like! The morning option will start with our Family Preparedness Event for our immigrant and refugee families, starting at 7:30 until 8:45. At 8:45 we will do announcements and updates by Ms. Lugo and then Denver Public Library is joining us for resources to prevent the summer slide.


We will have an afternoon Parent and Administration Potluck (PAP), from 4:00-6:00pm in the auditorium where we will again talk to Ms. Lugo about announcements and updates and then the Denver Public Library will be joining again for resources. We will have more time with food and sharing in the afternoon if you are wanting to connect with others. Join us!


Afternoon Potluck Organization, (the school will provide all paper products):

ECE and 5th Grade parents—Bring a Side dish to share

Kinder, 2nd and 4th Grade parents-----Bring a main dish to share

1st  Grade parents-----Bring a dessert to share

3rd Grade parents----Bring drinks to share




Thursday, April 20, 2017

Talent Show Date Change/ Cambio de Fecha para el Show de Talentos

Date Change!

Talent show has been changed to May 24th 2017

Who: All DCIS at Fairmont Students who are eager to share their talents in dancing, singing, acting, poetry, comedy, and MORE!!

What: The DCIS at Fairmont Talent Show will showcase all of the amazing talent our students have and will allow them to shine

When: Auditions will be held on Thursday, April 20th from 3:50pm-6:10pm.                                            

 Talent Show will be on May 24th from 5:00-7:00pm

Permission slips must be returned to the Main Office no later than Friday, April 28th

¡Cambio de Fecha!

El show de talentos esta reprogramado para el 24 de mayo

Quien: Todos los estudiantes de DCIS en Fairmont que están dispuestos a compartir sus talentos en baile, canto, actuación, poesía, comedia y ¡más!                                                        Que: El show de talentos de DCIS en Fairmont exhibirá todo el increíble talento que tienen nuestros alumnos y así podrán brillar.                                                                          Cuando: Las audiciones se llevaran a cabo el jueves, 20 de abril de 3:50-6:10pm. El show de talentos será el  

24 de mayo de 5:00-7:00pm

Las formas de permiso deben ser entregadas a la oficina no más tarde que el viernes, 28 de abril



Teacher Appreciation/ Agradecimiento a los Maestros


Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up

May 1-4th and we need your help!!!

1. Bring in a lunch item for the Teacher lunch potluck on Tuesday, May 2nd! Please sign up in

the front office to let us know what you'll bring (or email to and

drop items in the auditorium on Tuesday any time before 10:30am. Luncheon will go from

11:00-1:00. (if you're interested in serving/setting up/or cleaning up - please call or text

Megan Ness at 303-946-1688).

2. Donate money for a Pizza night out for Teachers and Staff! Bring $1's to $5's and place in

the jar in the front office any time between April 17th and May 3rd!

3. Have your child bring in a note to their teacher telling them thank you!!!



¡La Semana de agradecimiento al Maestro es del

1°al 4 de mayo y necesitamos su ayuda!

1. Lleve un platillo  para el Almuerzo del Maestro el martes, 2 de mayo. Por

favor regístrese en la oficina para avisarnos de lo que traerá o hablar con Ms. Amanda (o por

correo electrónico a y deje los platillos listos en el auditorio el martes

en cualquier momento antes de las 10:30 am. El almuerzo será de 11:00 a 1:00. (Si está

interesado en servir/preparar/ o limpiar - por favor llame o envíe un mensaje de texto a Amanda

Brinton al 303-981-3357).

2. ¡Done dinero para una noche de pizza para los maestros y el personal! ¡Traiga lo que

pueda y colóquelo en el frasco en la oficina en cualquier momento entre el 17 de abril hasta 3

de mayo!

3. ¡Anime a su hijo/a a traer una nota a su maestro dándole las gracias!