
Thursday, April 27, 2017

PAC Coffee


PAC Coffee May 2nd!   


Join us for our last parent coffee of the year! There are two options and feel free to join both if you like! The morning option will start with our Family Preparedness Event for our immigrant and refugee families, starting at 7:30 until 8:45. At 8:45 we will do announcements and updates by Ms. Lugo and then Denver Public Library is joining us for resources to prevent the summer slide.


We will have an afternoon Parent and Administration Potluck (PAP), from 4:00-6:00pm in the auditorium where we will again talk to Ms. Lugo about announcements and updates and then the Denver Public Library will be joining again for resources. We will have more time with food and sharing in the afternoon if you are wanting to connect with others. Join us!


Afternoon Potluck Organization, (the school will provide all paper products):

ECE and 5th Grade parents—Bring a Side dish to share

Kinder, 2nd and 4th Grade parents-----Bring a main dish to share

1st  Grade parents-----Bring a dessert to share

3rd Grade parents----Bring drinks to share