
Thursday, October 6, 2016

News from the Leadership Team


The Leadership Team

Dear Families,

We can’t believe that we are already in the first week of October! Our students have been doing a phenomenal job and we are so proud of what they have achieved in such a short amount of time. We have so many fun things coming up in October! We will be starting Global Villages next Friday and students and teachers are both eager to begin studying their new topics. This year Global Villages will span 15 weeks and take us into the second semester. Make sure to ask your student what they are learning! We will also be hosting our annual Haunted House and Carnival. We will send more details about the carnival and how you can volunteer and support our 5th graders as they raise money for the overnight to Breckenridge in the spring. Thanks for all of your support!


-The Leadership Team (Vanessa, Jody, and Meg)


Reminders and Announcements


·         Please be patient when picking up at the kiss and go we have had a few incidents where parents have been backing up out of the kiss and go and this is a huge safety concern for students and families.

·         Please be mindful of inside and outside days in the morning. Our office staff will post signs on the door letting parents and students know if it is an inside or outside day.

·         Please help us respect teacher’s time during the school day. If you need to see a teacher please make an appointment before or after school.

·         Please remember the designated drop off and pick up locations for your student’s grade level.

o    ECE/K/1/2 – Outside of teacher’s classroom doors. (ECE parents must enter classroom and sign in)

o    Grades: 3-5 In the quad area each teacher has a designated spot



Brrrrr….it’s getting cold outside!  We have long sleeve t-shirts available, crew neck sweatshirts and our newest addition for this year is hooded sweatshirts with our mosaic logo. Please see the office to purchase.

Long sleeve shirts - $12 each or 3 for $33.

Sweatshirts - $16 each, 2 for $30 or 3 for $42

Hooded Sweatshirts- $20.00 each


Upcoming Dates and For Your Information (FYI)

·         Reflection Friday, October 7thNo School Students

·         Academic Parent Teacher Teams, Thursday, Oct. 13th 4:00-8:00pm

·         DCIS Haunted House and Fall Festival, October 27th from 5:00-7:00pm

·         Teacher Planning Day, Friday, October 28th- No School for Students


Check out our new website launching soon!